Here is a link to our Gannt Chart with a timeline of our process.
For the division of labor in our group we decided to split up the work by parts of the yo-yo. John and Al will be working on the spinner, which includes the CAD of the part, CAD of the mold, making of the mold, injection molding of the part, and painting of the spaceship/moon during assembly. Christine will be working on the ring, which includes the CAD of the part, CAD of the mold, making of the mold, and injection molding of the part. Meaghan will be working on the thermoform dome, which includes the CAD of the part, CAD of the mold, making of the mold, and thermoforming of the part. Morgan will be in charge of the earth cap piece, which includes the CAD of the part, CAD of the mold, making of the mold, injection molding of the part, and painting of the earth during the assembly process. Lastly, Sam will be responsible for the base of the yo-yo, which includes the CAD of the part, CAD of the mold, making of the mold, and injection molding of the part. We will all, contribute to the assembly of the yo-yos.
In short, each team member's responsibility is listed below:
Sam - Yo-Yo base
Meaghan - Thermoform dome
Morgan - Earth cap
John and Al - Spinner piece
Christine - Ring (outer piece)
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